Special Municipal Election

Posted on April 3, 2023 by in
May 9, 2023 @ 7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Senate Bill 63 adopted by the State of Alabama Legislature:  SB63 CLICK HERE

On February 27, 2023, the City Council adopted Ordinance 3150 to call an ad valorem school tax election in the City of Vestavia hills for May 9, 2023. Click Here for a copy of the Mayor’s Notice of Election.

On January 31, 2023 following a public hearing, the City Council adopted and approved Resolution Number 5435 to propose an increase in ad valorem school tax levied in the City of Vestavia Hills.

Click here for the Precinct Map (This PDF map can be enlarged to see specific streets and lots.) Please note, precincts are numbered as “places” on this map. The voter location that corresponds is listed below:

Polling District/Place 1: Shades Mountain Baptist Church, 2017 Columbiana Road, 35216
Polling District/Place 2: Vestavia Hills Methodist Church, 2061 Kentucky Avenue, 35216
Polling District/Place 3: Mountaintop Community Church, 225 Centerview Drive, 35216
Polling District/Place 4: Vestavia Hills Civic Center, 1090 Montgomery Highway, 35216
Polling District/Place 5: Cahaba Heights Baptist Church, 3800 Crosshaven Drive, 35243
Polling District/Place 6: The Church at Liberty Park, 12001 Liberty Parkway, 35243
Absentee Ballot Box: Vestavia Hills City Hall, 1032 Montgomery Highway, 35216

Absentee voting is CLOSED. The deadline to make application in order to obtain a ballot closed as of 5pm CST, May 4, 2023.

Click here for a sample ballot.


Need to register to vote or update your registration information? Visit https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/voter/register-to-vote to download or submit a State of Alabama Mail-In Voter Registration Form. Got questions? Find your County Board of Registrars contact info at https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/board-of-registrars-all-counties.

Where do I go to vote? Voter cards have mailed to individual voters as of mid-April. Please watch your mail for these voter cards. Voter information is obtained from the Jefferson County Board of Registrars. If a previous owner has not updated his/her voter information, voter cards for that voter might be received also. Contact the Jefferson County Board of Registrars at 205.325.5550 for more voter information.

All media inquiries should be directed to Cinnamon McCulley, City of Vestavia Hills Assistant City Manager/Communications Specialist – 205.864.4320 | cmcculley@vhal.org or Whit McGhee, Vestavia Hills City Schools Director of Public Relations – 205.402.5144 | mcgheejw@vhcs.us.