1032 Montgomery Highway
Meeting rescheduled due to conflict with Vestavia Hills High School Graduation.
The agenda packet for this meeting is available at https://vhal.org/government/agendas. This is a public meeting, but comment may only be made at the invitation of the Mayor. If special accommodations are required, contact the Vestavia Hills City Clerk (rleavings@vhal.org or 205.978.0131).
The City of Vestavia Hills offers in-person and remote attendance to City Council work sessions/meetings. To participate remotely:
• Video-conference – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5539517181
• Teleconference – One-touch dialing: +13126266799,,5539517181#; or 312.626.6799, meeting ID: 553 951 7181
• Email/Text – Submit a question/comment pertaining to a particular agenda item either before or during the meeting via email (city.council@vhal.org) or text (205.517.1370). You must provide your name and address to be part of the official record of the meeting.