The civic engagement of our many volunteer members of City boards and committees are essential to our high quality of life in Vestavia Hills. We are grateful for the great contribution of service these volunteers make to our community. For more information about boards and committees, call 205.978.0100 or email
7 members; 3-year terms
Ordinance 2332
Mayor nominated; Council appointed
Meets monthly on the 1st Thursday at 6pm
Vestavia Hills City Hall, 1032 Montgomery Highway, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
The purpose of DRB is to assure compatibility and quality in the design of certain development types in order to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the City. It is the intent of the DRB to:
– Promote the general welfare of the citizens of Vestavia Hills by ensuring that proposed sites, buildings and landscaping enhance the environment and design of the City.
– Assure pleasing, environmentally-friendly development that supports the economic viability of the community.
– Protect and enhance the value of properties in Vestavia Hills.
– Ensure that new development is in accordance with the City of Vestavia Hills Comprehensive Plan.
DRB members are nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council to serve a three-year term. By ordinance, the members of the DRB should consist of at least one registered architect and one registered landscape architect.
Robert Thompson | | Exp. 12/31/2024
Mae Coshatt | | Exp. 12/31/2026
Joe Ellis | | Exp. 12/31/2025
David Giddens | | Exp. 12/31/2025
Chris Pugh | | Exp. 12/31/2025
Jeff Slaton | | Exp. 9/30/2025
John Wood | Exp. 12/31/2025