The City of Vestavia Hills has launched a new service to access meeting agenda packets.
>> Click HERE to be redirected to the new location for these documents. <<
The Vestavia Hills City Council regular meetings begin at 6pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month, except on holidays or in the event of inclement weather. The current packet includes minutes of recent past meetings/work sessions. Current agenda packets and financial reports (this calendar year) are available below. Archived packets and financial reports may be accessed by clicking the links below or by contacting the Vestavia Hills City Clerk ( A recap of latest meeting can be obtained by clicking here.
You may also contact City Clerk Rebecca Leavings to receive a courtesy email with a link to the agenda packet for upcoming meetings of the Council. To have an item included on the agenda, contact the City Clerk by noon the Wednesday prior to the meeting. An open period of public comment is held at the end of each regular City Council meeting.
Video Posting of Public Meetings
Video and/or audio recordings of City Council meetings became available as of April 25, 2016 and we are pleased to continue improving our government transparency and your access to public meetings by sharing these links.
Recordings are posted as soon as practical following the meeting date and contain unedited video from commencement of the meeting until adjournment. A personal Vimeo account is not required to view the video.
The contents of this page are archived at the end of each calendar year. Older videos will be periodically removed from the archive to make space for new videos as needed. For access to archived videos no longer available online, contact the City Clerk at 205.978.0131 or For assistance accessing a video or to inquire about the video status, contact the City Clerk at 205.978.0131 or
Archived Agenda Packets & Financial Reports
Click HERE to view archived City Council agenda packets, meeting videos and/or financial reports. If you have questions or need additional information, contact Vestavia Hills City Clerk Rebecca Leavings (