Welcome to Vestavia Hills’ Electronic Bulletin Board. This is an easy index to view public postings, adopted ordinances, consideration of upcoming ordinances, etc., in their entirety. Please choose from the category below which area you would like to view:
> Ordinances Recently Adopted by the City Council
> Ordinances/Notices of Ordinances to be Considered for Adoption by the City Council (Posted Notices)
> Public Notices of Special Called Meetings, Work Sessions, Public Hearings, Rescheduled Meetings, etc.
> Other Public Notices Including Bids, Board Vacancy Applications, etc.
Meeting Agendas, Dates and Time:
- Agendas for meetings of the City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustment, Design Review Committee, Parks and Recreation Board, Library Board of Trustees (beginning in April 2024) and Standing Annexation Committee (click here)
- The Vestavia Hills City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday’s of the Month with a regular work session held the third Monday of the Month. All meetings begin at 6 PM and are held in the Council Chambers, 1st Floor, City Hall
- The Vestavia Hills Parks and Recreation Board typically meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month in Room 116 at the Vestavia Hills Civic Center (1090 Montgomery Highway). Board meetings typically occur every odd-numbered month; work sessions, which may be followed by a board meeting, typically occur every even-numbered month. Meeting agenda packets are available at https://vhal.org/government/agendas. For more information, visit https://vhal.org/parks-recreation-board
- The Vestavia Hills Library Board typically meets six to eight times annually on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 4pm. Advance notice of the date and time of the meeting is publicly posted a week in advance pursuant to the Alabama Open Meetings Act. For more information or to view the meeting agenda and packet, visit https://vestavialibrary.org/board-of-trustees/minutes/
- The Vestavia Hills Planning and Zoning Commission meets the second Monday of every month beginning at 6 PM in the Council Chambers, 1st Floor, City Hall. If a work session is needed, the work session will be held on the Wednesday, a week preceding the Thursday meeting beginning at 5 PM in the Executive Conference Room, 1st Floor, City Hall
- The Vestavia Hills Board of Zoning Adjustment meets the third Thursday of every month beginning at 6 PM in the Council Chambers, 1st Floor City Hall
- The Vestavia Hills Design Review Board meets the first Thursday the month beginning at 6 PM in the Executive Conference Room, 1st Floor City Hall
Ordinances Recently Adopted by the City Council:
Below is a posting of recent ordinances adopted by the City Council.
- Ordinance Number 3261 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a renewal agreement for DebtBook
- Ordinance Number 3260 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a First Amendment to contract between Specialty Turf and the City of Vestavia to allow the Board of Education to be a party to said contract
- Ordinance Number 3253 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a lease agreement iwth Shannon Waltchack LLC for Office space for the City’s new HR department
- Ordinance Number 3251 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Ctiy Manager to execute and deliver a license agreement with TDG Vestavia, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company for an access from the AVIA apartments to the Vestavia Hills Civic Center
- Ordinance Number 3250 – Rezoning – 25′ strip traversing Lot 1, The Bray at Liberty Park, First Addition; Rezone from Birmingham holding to VH PUD PB; Liberty Park Joint Venture, owners
- Ordinance Number 3249 – Rezoning – 3128 Blue Lake Drive, Lot 9A Res. of lots 8 & 9, Topfield Subdivision; Rezone from VH R-1 to VH B-2; Robert Fuqua, owner
- Ordinance Number 3248 – Rezoning – 4244 White Oak Drive; Rezone from VH Agriculture to VH R-9; Jon Hindes, Sweet Home Group LLC, Owners
- Ordinance Number 3247 – Annexation – Overnight – 2612 Altadena Road; Beth and Kreg Montgomery
- Ordinance Number 3246 – Not Used.
- Ordinance Number 3245 – Annexation – Overnight – 2701 Alta View Drive; H. Stephen and Joanne Williamson, Owners
- Ordinance Number 3244 – Annexation – Overnight – 2686 Altadena Road; Estate of Mary N. Russell
- Ordinance Number 3243 – An Ordinance establishing the sue of electronic vote counting devices for the City
- Ordinance Number 3242 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Jefferson County concerning a bridge replacement
- Ordinancew Number 3241 – An Ordinance declaring certain real property as surplus and authorizing the Mayor and Ciyt Manager to convey said property to Jefferson County to be utilized as ROW in a bridge replacement project
- Ordinance Number 3240 – Rezoning – 3509 Pineland Drive; Rezone from Jefferson County E-2 to Vestavia Hills R-1; Mathew and Mary Griffin Owners
- Ordinance Number 3239 – Annexation – Overnight – 3509 Pineland Drive; Mathew and Mary Griffin, Owners
- Ordinance Number 3238 – Rezoning – 2768 Altadena Lake Drive; Rezone from Jefferson County R-1 to Vestavia HIlls R-2; David and Melinda Romine, owners
- Ordinance Number 3237 – Annexation – 90 day final – 2768 Altadena Lake Drive; David and Melinda Romine
- Ordinance Number 3236 – Rezoning – 3365 Rosemary Lane; Rezone from Jefferson County E-2 to Vestavia Hills R-1; Lalith and Judy Wigaysuriya, Owners
- Ordinance Number 3235 – Annexation – 90 day final – 3365 Rosemary Lane; Lalith and Judy Wigayasuriya, Owners
- Ordinance Number 3234 – An Ordinance approving budgets for FY25 for the City of Vestavia Hills
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Ordinances/Notices of Ordinances to be Considered for Adoption by the City Council (Posted Notices):
- Notice of Public Hearing – Proposed amendment to Ordinance Number 3099, the City’s Zoning Ordinance to revise a section to correct and to adopt a policy for the City’s Sidewalk Master Plan; Public hearing scheduled Thursday, December 12, 2024 6 PM in the Council Chambers, Vestavia Hills City Hall; Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Proposed Ordinance Number 3099-A
- Notice of public hearing – Rezoning – 2686 Altadena Road; 2701 Alta View Drive and 2612 Altadena Road; rezone from Jefferson County E-2 to Vestavia Hills R-1; compatible zoning for annexation; Marley McWilliams, ET AL, owners
Public Notices of Special Called Meetings, Work Sessions, Rescheduled Meetings, Board Vacancies, Invitations for Bid, etc.:
Archived Ordinances:
- Ordinance Number 3233 – An Ordinance approving the final 10% of budgets for the City of Vestavia Hills
- Ordinance Number 3232 – An Ordinance declaring a situation on Pizitz Drive as a public emergency and authorizing the repair of said emergency situation
- Ordinance Number 3231 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a funding agreement with the RPCGB to receive funding for a marketing program to tproote echonomic development
- Ordinance Number 3230 – Rezoning – 3916 Waynely Drive; Rezone from VH R-4 to VH O-1; Jacpla, LLC, Owner
- Ordinance Number 3229 – An Ordinance Establishing Rules and Regulations for Electronic Submission of Public Works Bids
- Ordinance Number 3228 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to settle a lawsuit in the Case of Cinderella Reeder as personal represntative of the Estate of Douglas Har, Deceased v. City of Vestavia Hills Et Al
- Ordinance Number 3227 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to purchase an OpenGov Cartegraph Asset Management System and all documents needed to implement said system
- Ordinance Number 3226 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver an amendment to memorandum of lease by and between the City and T-Mobile USA Tower LLC regarding an easement for ingress/egress
- Ordinance Number 3225 – Annexation – Overnight – 2768 Altadena Lake Drive; Lot 5, Block 5, Altadena Valley, 5th Sector; David and Melinda Romine
- Ordinance Number 3224 – Annexation – Overnight – 3509 Pineland Drive; Lot 10, Block 2, Dolly Ridge Estates, 1st Addition; Matthew and Mary Griffin
- Ordinance Number 3223 – Annexation – Overnight – 3365 Rosemary Lane; Lot 114, Buckhead, 4th Sector; Lalith and Judy Wijayasuriya, Owners
- Ordinance Number 3221 – Rezoning – Acreage to the rear of 3022 3026 and 3030 Panorama Brook Circle; Rezone from VH Inst to VH R-4; Harry M. Ezekiel, ET AL, Owners
- Ordinance Number 3220 – An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant from Innovate Alabama for Altadena Valley Park
- Ordinance Number 3219 – Rezoning – 4529 Pine Tree Circle; Rezone from VH R-1 to VH B-2 with conditions; Maria Wood
- Ordinanec Number 3218 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to accept a design contract from Renta Design for a proposed Veteran’s Memorial at Altadena Valley Park
- Ordinance Number 3217 – An Ordinance declaring certain real property as surplus and authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to convey said property
- Ordinance Number 3216 – An Ordinance authorizing a multi-year financial commitment to Vestavia Hills City Schools for purposes of capital improvements to shared facilities
- Ordinance Number 3215 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver an agreement with Alabama Department of Transportation for the installation and/or operation and/or maintenance of traffic control signals and/or roadway lighting along Highway 31
- Ordinance Number 3214 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to settle court case entitle Anita Dunklin v. Wooton, The City of Vestavia, ET AL
- Ordinance Number 3213 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Mnager to execute an agreement with Jefferson County Commission for Ortho and planigramic information for GIS
- Ordinance Number 3212 – Annexation – Overnight – 1051 Highwall Drive (a portion of ); Liberty Park Joint Venture, Owner
- Ordinance Number 3211 – Rezoning – 4533 Pine Tree Circle; Lot 20, Topfield; Rezone from VH R-1 to VH O-1; Kathryn Gentle
- Ordinance Number 3210 – An Ordinance authorizing the Shelby County Tax Assessor/Collector to assess and collect municpal taxes for the City
- Ordinance Number 3209 – An Ordinance authorizing the Jefferson County Tax Assessor/Collector to assess and collect municipal taxes for the City
- Ordinance Number 3208 – Not Used
- Ordinance Number 3207 – An Ordinance to accept an RFP for Coca Cola Bottling for Parks and Leisure Services
- Ordinance Number 3206 – An Ordinance to rezone 1929 Canyon Road from VH Institutional to VH O-1 for use as a professional office with conditions; Greater Birmingham Area Friends Chapter of National Ambucs, Inc., owners; Sean Hufnagel, HNP Landscape Artists, representing
- Ordinance Number 3205 – An Ordinance to rezone 4525 Pine Tree Circle from VH R-1 to VH B-2 for a short-term rental commercial business; Charlotte Dyer, Owner; Delaine Crim, representing (this ordinance is not effective until certain conditions are met and completed by the representative)
- Ordinance Number 3204 – An Ordinance Defining Short-term rentals and prohibiting said use in dwellings in the City
- Ordinance Number 3203 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver an agreement for the purposes of a mine reclamation project effort at the SHAC, acceptance of a masterplan, declaration fo surplus and conveyance of proepty between the City and th liberty Park JOint Venture to facilitiate said masterplan
- Ordinance Number 3202 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a contract with Woodmere Creek Partnership for the Purpose of rendering municipal fire and paramedica services to the Woodmere Creek Apartments
- Ordinance Number 3201 – Conditional Use Approval – 3010 Healthy Way; for constructoin and oepration of an indoor/outdoor plant nursery; Patchwork Retail VEnture, LLC, Owner
- Ordinance Number 3200 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver utility agreements for relocation of utilities for the Massey Road project.
- Ordinance Number 3199-A – Amending Ordinance 3199 to amend language in the contract concerning Birminghams participation
- Ordinance Number 3199 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver an agreement Joint Services Agreement with Jefferson County and the City of Birmingham for improvements on the Sicard Hollow Road Round-a-bout
- Ordinance Number 3198 – An Ordinance amending Ordinance 3154 for Supplemental Enter into an Agreement to Share Responsibilities (Joint Services Agreement) with Jefferson County Commission and the City of Birmingham, Alabama in Order to Share Responsibilities For Improvements to the Blue Lake Drive and Sicard Hollow Road Intersection for Jefferson County Project No. 37-19-400
- Ordinance Number 3197 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute and deliver an agreement with SAP Concur for a cloud based employee reimbursement program and credit card reconciliation program
- Ordinance Number 3196 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Enter into an Agreement to Share Responsibilities (Joint Services Agreement) with Jefferson County Commission in Order to Share Responsibilities For Improvements to Columbiana Road for Jefferson County Project No. 37-22-004
- Ordinance Number 3195 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a cost savings rebate plan as a member of the CSWA
- Ordinance Number 3194 – An Ordinance accepting a bid for athletic field “inside the gates” maintenance
- Ordinance Number 3193 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver an Automatic Aid Agreement with City of Hoover
- Ordinance Number 3192 – Rezoning – Portion of 2551 and 2553 Rocky Ridge Road; Rezone from Court Ordered O-1 and JC R-G to VH O-1; Taylor Burton, Owner
- Ordinance Number 3191 – Annexation – 90-day final – Portion of 2553 Rocky Ridge Road; Taylor Burton
- Ordinance Number 3190 – Rezoning – 3512 Valley Circle; Lot 4, Block 2, Dolly Ridge Estates, 2nd Add; Rezone from JC E-2 to VH R-1; David Pace, Owner
- Ordinance Number 3189 – Annexation – 90-day final – 3512 Valley Circle; Lot 4, Block 2, Dolly Ridge Estates, 2nd Add; David Pace, Owner
- Ordinance Number 1595-A – An Ordinance rezoning the Columbiana Crossings Shopping Center to VH B-2 to correct the legal description of a previously approved Ordinance 1595
- Ordinance Number 3188 – An Ordinance approving 90% of the FY24 budgets for the City
- Ordinance Number 3187 – An Ordinance approving the final 10% of the FY23 budgets
- Ordinance Number 3186 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a 3 year agreement with Bagby Elevator for the City’s elevators
- Ordinance Number 3185 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and the City Manager to execute and deliver an agreement with EDG for proposed landscape improvements for highway 31
- Ordinance Number 3184 – Authorizing a revised facility agreement for the Vestavia Hills Civic Center
- Ordinance Number 3183 – Rezoning – 709 Chestnut Street; Lot A, Resurvey of Lots 20 & 2`, Block 9, South Bham Heights; Rezone from VH R-2 to VH O-1 for an Interior Design Office; Jessica Prier, Owner
- Ordinance Number 3182 – Annexation – 3512 Valley Circle; Lot 4, Block 2, Dolly Ridge Estates, 2nd Add; David Pace, Owner
- Ordinance Number 3181 – An Ordinance Canvassing and declaring the results of a special Municipal Election held in the City on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 regarding a proposed increase in the ratre of a property tax for public school purposes
- Ordinance Number 3180 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute documents necessary and for the city manager to expend the funding necessary to construct an exhibit in honor of Jabo Waggoner
- Ordinance Number 3179 – Establishing a public records policy for the City of Vestavia Hills
- Ordinance Number 3178 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a Second Addendum to Video Services Agreement with Directv, LLC (formerly Bellsouth d/b/a AT&T) (scheduled for May 22, 2023)
- Ordinance Number 3177 – Shelby County Annual Tax Levy authorizing the Tax Assessor/Collector to levy and collect municipal taxes
- Ordinance Number 3176 – Jefferson County Annual Tax Levy authorizing the Tax Assessor/Collector to levy and collect municipal taxes
- Ordinance Number 3175 – An Ordinance accepting a bid as value engineered for Altadena Valley Park Improvements Phase I and authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver said agreements
- Ordinance Number 3174 – An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to terminate an Agreement with Uprise Health as the City’s EAP Provider and Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute and Deliver Documents Necessary for the Engagement of Employee Assistance Services (EAS) as the New City Provider of EAP Services
- Ordinance Number 3173 – Not used
- Ordinance Number 3172 – An Ordinance Accepting a bid for Rocky Ridge Sidewalk Improvements and authorizing the Execution and delivery of contracts for the construction
- Ordinance Number 3171 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Agreement with Shelby County COMPACT between VHPD, Shelby County, Shelby County DA and Shelby County Sheriff using Opioid proceeds
- Ordinance Number 3170 – An Ordinance acknowledging an agreement with LPHOA and Flock Cameras to provide cameras in locations in Liberty Park
- Ordinance Number 3169 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver an agreement for leasing of property for a fire training facility; Amending Ordinance Number 2849
- Ordinance Number 3168 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City manager to Execute and deliver a Mutual Aid Agreement with the City of Mountain Brook
- Ordinance Number 3167 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and city manager to Execute and deliver an agreement for fire inspection services for the City Hall, VHPD building and the Civic Center
- Ordinance Number 3166 – An Ordinance to accept a bid for demolition of the former Days Inn and to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver all agreements necessary
- Ordinance Number 3165 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute an agreement for RiskEnvision Lite software as provided by Ebix, Inc., for record keeping management of claims and risk data
- Ordinance Number 3164 – Rezoning – 1420 Branchwater Circle; Rezone from Jefferson County E-2 to Vestavia Hills R-1; Leon Gorman, Jr.
- Ordinance Number 3163 – Annexation – 90 day final – 1420 Branchwater Circle; Leon Gorman Jr.
- Ordinance Number 3162 – Rezoning – 2565 Rocky Ridge Road; Rezone from Jefferson County Inst to Vestavia Hills Inst; Grace Covenant Baptist Church
- Ordinance Number 3161 – Annexation – 90 day final – 2565 Rocky Ridge Road; Grace Covenant Baptist Church
- Ordinance Number 3160 – Rezoning – 2401 Rocky Ridge Road; Lot 9, Buckhead, 1st Sector; Rezone from Jefferson County E-2 to Vestavia Hills R-1; Charles Kessler
- Ordinance Number 3123 – Amendment to the Patchwork Farms PUD to allow a hotel and 37 unit condominium (held for recorded map/easement)
- Ordinance Number 3161 – Annexation – 90 day final – 2565 Rocky Ridge Road; Grace Covenant Baptist Church
- Ordinance Number 3160 – Rezoning – 2401 Rocky Ridge Road; Lot 9, Buckhead, 1st Sector; Rezone from Jefferson County E-2 to Vestavia Hills R-1; Charles Kessler
- Ordinance Number 3159 – Annexation – 90 day final – 2401 Rocky Ridge Road; Lot 9, Buckhead, 1st Sector; Charles Kessler
- Ordinance Number 3158 – Rezoning – 2594 Acton Road; Lot 2, Altadena Valley Country Club Sector; Rezone from Jefferson County A-1 to Vestavia Hills R-2; Alan and Patricia Foster
- Ordinance Number 3157 – Annexation – 90 day final – 2594 Acton Road; Lot 2, Altadena Valley Country Club Sector; Alan and Patricia Foster
- Ordinance Number 3156 – Rezoning – 2608 Rillwood Road; Lot 9, Altadena Park; Rezone from Jefferson County E-1 to Vestavia Hills E-2; Andrew and Marie Davis (not final yet)
- Ordinance Number 3155 – Annexation – 90 Day Final – 2608 Rillwood Road; Lot 9, Altadena Park; Andrew and Marie Davis
- Ordinance Number 3154 – An Ordinance authorizing and directing the approval and acceptance of an offer by Gresham Smith for a redesign of the pedestrian bridge across Hwy 31
- Ordinance 3153 – An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver an amended agreement with Ingenuity, Inc., for vehicle registration and licensing
- Ordinance 3151 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a contract and provide supplemental appropriation for the delivery and installation of the Vestavia Hills sports Hall of Fame Exhibit in the Civic Center
- Ordinance 3150 – An Ordinance calling for an ad valorem school tax election in the City on May 9, 2023
- Ordinance 3148 – Adopting and Enacting Supplement V for the City’s Code of Ordinances
- Ordinance 3147 – Establishing voting and polling places for all municipal elections for the City of Vestavia Hills, Alabama
- Ordinance 3146 – Rezoning – 3105 Blue Lake Drive; Lot 26, Topfield Subdivision; Rezone from VH R-1 to VH O-1; Lauren Savage, Owner
- Ordinance 3145 – Rezoning – 4553 Pine Tree Circle; Lot 15, Topfield Subdivision; Rezone from VH B-1.2 to VH O-1; Mark Hancock, Owner
- Ordinance 3130A – An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 3130 to revise the alcoholic beverage vendor contract, Exhibit 2
- Ordinance 3144 – Annexation – Overnight – 1420 Branchwater Circle; Leon R. Gorman, Jr.
- Ordinance 3143 – Annexation – Overnight – 2565 Rocky Ridge Road; Grace Covenant Baptist Church
- Ordinance 3142 – Annexation – Overnight – 2401 Rocky Ridge Road; Lot 9, Buckhead, 1st Sector; Charles Kessler
- Ordinance 3141 – Annexation – Overnight – 2594 Acton Road; Lot 2, Altadena Valley Country Club, Fairway Sector; Al and Patricia Foster
- Ordinance 3140 – Annexation – Overnight – 2608 Rillwood Road; Lot 9, Altadena Park; Andrew and Marie Davis
- Ordinance 3139 – An Ordinance Authorizing and directing the Conveyance by the City of Vestavia Hills of the real estate and improvements situated at 1973 Merryvale Road commonly referred to as “the old Community Civic Center” to the Board of Education
- Ordinance 3138 – An Ordinance Accepting a bid for street resurfacing and repair in the City of Vestavia Hills
- Ordinance 3137 – Rezoning – 3419 Ronlea Circle; Rezone from Vestavia Hills Agriculture to Vestavia Hills R-2; Gladys Bailey, Owner
- Ordinance 3136 – An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to purchase budgeting software from OpenGov for the City’s Finance Department
- Ordinance 3135 – An Ordinance granting a conditional use approval for a dog grooming business at 1401 Montgomery Highway; Stephanie Hazen, business owner; Patrick Crabtree, property owner
- Ordinance 3134 – An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a lease agreement with Longford LLC to lease a facility for the City’s Public Works Department
- Ordinance 3133 – An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Alabama Department of Transportation for funding for a Pedestrian Bridge and sidewalks along US 31
- Ordinance 3132 – An Ordinance Accepting a bid for Cahaba Heights connector sidewalk addition and authorizing the Execution and Delivery of the construction contract documents by and between the City of Vestavia Hills, Alabama as “owner” and Avery Landscaping as “Contractor”
- Ordinance 3131 – An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a First Amendment to the Cahaba Solid Waste Authority Sanitation Contract to allow for a fuel surcharge
- Ordinance 3130 – An Ordinance approving the terms, provisions, conditions and substance of six (6) different template contracts to be executed and delivered by citizens who rent facilities in the new Civic Center and Vendors and to authorize the City Manager and Mayor and Director of Parks and Leisure Services to sign the said template contracts for and on behalf of the City
- Ordinance 3130-A An Ordinance amending Ordinance 3130 to amend the Vendor Contract for Alcoholic Beverage Service
- Ordinance 3129 – An Ordinance Authorizing the Settlement of the Worker’ Compensation Division Claim of Christopher Mareno, Employee v. City of Vestavia Hills, Alabama, Employer, Pending at the Alabama Department of Labor
- Ordinance 3128 – Accepting a Bid for Landscape Maintenance for the City of Vestavia Hills
- Ordinance 3127 – Accepting a Bid for Mowing of the Rights-of-way within the City of Vestavia Hills
- Ordinance 3126 – An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver a Regional Training Center Agreement with the Alabama Fire College and Personnel Standards Commission, the Cities of Homewood, Hoover, Mountain Brook and Rocky Ridge Fire District to provide Classroom Space and Associated Facilities for Training Uses
- Ordinance 3125 – Second Amendment to the Liberty Park PUD
- Ordinance Number 3124 – Rezoning – 901 Montgomery Highway; Rezone from Jefferson County Unknown to Vestavia Hills O-1; David and Rozanne Emory, Owners
- Ordinance Number 3110 – Rezoning – 3912 Wooten Drive; Rezone from Vestavia Hills R-4 to Vestavia Hills B-2 with conditions; Mountain Heights Lawn Care LLC
- Ordinance Number 3104 – Rezoning – Braxton Cove Subdivision; Rezoning from VH R-4 to VH R-9; Sam Dariani, owner (held for recorded covenants)